New virus takes advantage of Chrome and Edge to attack 300,000 users
09:49:00 | 22-08-2024

To spread viruses, hackers use online advertising (malvertising). They create fake websites of YouTube, VLC media player, Steam, or KeePass... to reach users searching on Chrome Web Store and Microsoft Edge Add-ons application markets.

Hackers create fake websites that look exactly like the real ones

Reason Labs' research results show that when users access and download software from these sites, viruses will be installed on Chrome and Edge browsers on their computers. From there, malicious code can steal sensitive data including social network accounts such as Facebook, Youtube, email accounts, browser access history, bank accounts... and execute many other malicious commands. on the victim machine.

This malicious code redirects user access to the hacker's server instead of pointing to Google or Bing. Additionally, they block new browser updates and prevent user deactivation.

Bkav experts recommend that users:

- Always be wary when clicking on any ads

- Before clicking, carefully check the links to make sure they do not contain strange characters. Malicious links often have domain names similar to famous brands. For example instead of

- Install copyrighted anti-virus software for permanent protection
